par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Suffering in the adoption SELLENET C. Paris : De Boeck. 2009 Truth is not good to say, say, and yet it must be silent on the more or less serious difficulties encountered by adoptees and adopters ? We think not and we run the risk of hearing and expose hidden...
par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Successful child protection with families in precarious RENOUX M.C. Paris : ATD Quart Monde Edition de l’Atelier. 2008. In France, 110 000 children are subject to a judicial placement outside the home of their parents. Generally too little together, this measure leads...
par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Social parenthood and family substitute MARTINS E. Paris : L’Harmattan. 2010. This book examines the role of the spouse of the family assistant and collaborative arrangements that man with the social workers in foster care. It shows that the spouse is a key player in...
par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Experimentation and innovation in child protection Separation to maintain the parent-child bond FABLET D. (coord.). Paris : L’Harmattan. 2009. The reform of the child protection (Act of 5 March 2007) , in one of its three axes , advocates alternative care and...
par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Child Protection Lyrics professional educational action in an open environment and challenges for evaluation EME B. et le CNAEMO. Paris : L’Harmattan. 2009. The law of 2 January 2002 introduced the obligation to assess social work institutions and medico-social ....