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Special educator by initial training, graduate of a CAFERUIS then a master EFISE, works in the field of Child Protection, Integration and Disability.
Joined EUROCEF in 2019 and became a member of the Bureau in 2020 to represent EUROCEF at the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe and the Civil Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Vice Chair
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Doctor of Education, Senior Lecturer at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense in the research team: Family education and social intervention with families (CREF EA 1589).
Member of the Bureau of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe. Responsible for children and the family to the President of the Conference of INGOs and, in this capacity, a member of several expert committees aimed at drafting European recommendations.

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Trained as a Special Educator. Trained in 2000 as a director of social establishments and services and a ‘EURODIR’ graduate from the École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique in Rennes (France).
He has worked for over 35 years in the child protection sector, lives in France and is currently retired. He has been a director of a number of child protection associations (CNAEMO / FN3S / Ecole & Famille).
He joined Eurocef in 1988 and has been a board member since 2004.

Catherine BAROSO
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Initially trained as an educator in the judicial protection of young people, she completed additional university training in education sciences. She is currently head of department in a Parisian AEMO service within a child protection association in the Ile-de-France region.
She has been a member of Eurocef for several years and has been deputy secretary since 2006, before becoming secretary.

Frédérique POULAIN
Assistant Secretary
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With a master’s degree from the CNAM and deputy head of a service monitoring unaccompanied young people (MNAs), she joined EUROCEF in 2023, becoming deputy secretary and representing EUROCEF on the Council of Europe’s Civil Committee on Migration Issues.

Delegate member
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Head of Child Protection, he became a member of EUROCEF in February 2023. A member of the Board, he will represent EUROCEF on the Council of Europe’s Civil Committee on the Rights of the Child (2023-2024).

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Raffaele OCCULTO
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