
European Committee for Specialised Action for Children and Families in their living environment / INGO AT THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE

Successful child protection with families in precarious
RENOUX M.C. Paris : ATD Quart Monde Edition de l’Atelier. 2008.

In France, 110 000 children are subject to a judicial placement outside the home of their parents. Generally too little together, this measure leads to frequent injuries among children and parents alike. Unavoidable in some situations, it could be avoided in many cases . How can this logic, in the name of  » child protection  » leads too often – especially in situations of great poverty – to deprive of vital relationships with parents? Yet it is recognized by the Convention on the Rights of the Child law.
Based on a dialogue with both parents in extreme poverty with relevant professionals and the author, this book offers an alternative to the breakdown of family ties, albeit temporary. This break occurs, mostly in a context of insecurity and social exclusion. It can not therefore intervene to protect children without account and without acting in concert with parents to support them in achieving their family goals. Describing many experiments where the General Councils and associations supporting children and parents to prevent placement, this book is a sound information and training tool, especially for 200,000 professionals working in the area of Aid social for Children.