
European Committee for Specialised Action for Children and Families in their living environment / INGO AT THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE

The partnership is an important element in the construction of  Europe. It is the engine of our activities. Since the creation of the EUROCEF, the partnership was considered essential, making possible the exchange of practices.

Over time, this dynamic has led us to develop partnerships with different actors, European, national or local institutions or associations, and organize their common work. Some partnerships last for years and they are powered by new networks, which are developing with the new projects.

If you want to contribute to social progress in Europe,
Contact us !

Partenaires permanents



globulin-amoASBL Globul’In (French Community of Belgium)
Service to help young Open Environment approved by the French Community, which is aimed at young people aged 0-22 years, but also their parents, families, teachers and educators.


The FISSAAJ Federation is a service that aims to promote, support and defend the services set up with individuals physically, psychologically or mentally handicapped and / or socially trouble

Europe: an appeal for the defense of social work values?

Europe: an appeal for the defense of social work values?

by Philippe Lecorne member of EUROCEF Bureau
Through this text Philippe Lecorne invites social workers to understand what is at stake at the European level and impacting and will impact more educational activities of our services, inviting us to exercise our vigilance and our reactions to a essentially economic and liberal vision of European integration…

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