par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Integrated social services in Europe Strasbourg: Council of Europe, MUNDAY B. (ed.) (2007). A reference if you want to know the future trends in the organization of social services. This report is the result of a two-year project led by a group of experts to examine...
par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Using social benefits to combat poverty and social exclusion : a comparative examination of the opportunities and problems HEIKKILÄ Matti et KUIVALAINEN Susan (2002) Document unknown and interesting. The volume presents a comparative analysis of the definitions of...
par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Youth and exclusion in disadvantaged urban areas : policy approaches in six European cities Trends in social cohesion, No. 9, 2004, unknown and interesting paper. In continuation of volume 8 of this series « Trends », the book depth at the « integration » of young...
par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Living together as equals in dignity White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue of the Council of Europe (2008).
par eurocef | Jan 6, 2014 | Publications
Code of good practice for civil participation in decision making NGO conference of the Council of Europe. Document used to support pout nongovernmental organization that wishes to provide specific expertise to policymakers.